International Viola Society News

International Viola Society

The British Viola Society is a member  of  the International Viola Society (IVS) and is one of several    sections of the IVS around  the world.   For information about these sections click here.

Six representatives were  elected in 2013  by members  from the   IVS sections,  to  serve  a  three year  Presidency.  They have  responsibility for the   administration of  the IVS.  For more  information  about  the IVS  officers click here.


 International Viola Congresses

One of the major purposes of the IVS is to promote ever-increasing standards of excellence in viola performance through the annual congresses and associated competitions.

Annual Congresses have been held since 1973 (with two exceptions). From 1973 to 2000, the Congresses generally alternated between Europe and North America. In 2001, the first Congress was held in the Southern Hemisphere (in New Zealand) and since then Congresses have been held in Africa, Australia, Europe and North America.

The 2014 Congress was hosted by the Portuguese Viola Society in  Porto  (26th to 30th  November  2014)

The Congress was not held in 2015.  The 43rd Congress will be in Cremona, Italy from 4th to 8th October 2016.

For more information click here.


International Viola Society Newsletter

The  IVS publishes a regular Newsletter.  The   December 2013 newsletter is available by clicking  here